TBX Trial Balance Exporter is Copyright © 2019 Accounting Services Bureau, Inc. but the code is currently maintained by Better Idea Group LLC

Need something more custom? We deliver custom reports that allow you to export directly to excel with the click of a button.

TBX is the fastest and easiest way to export history ​totals from QuickBooks desktop

Simple but custom Quickbooks export

Get Account balances out of QuickBooks

Export balances for all of these scenarios

  • Conversion - provide historical month-end balances when migrating to a new accounting package. (Journal export format makes this fast and easy 
  • Franchise reporting - enable franchisee's using QuickBooks to report monthly results to a home office.
  • Audit prep - Export Trial Balance Data from QuickBooks to import into ProSystems fx Engagement®
  • Standardized Financial reporting - Export Trial Balance Data from QuickBooks to import into Write-Up CS® to leverage you investment in financial statement prep

Solves these missing options when QuickBooks Desktop exports a Trial Balance to Excel:

  1. Net Change Trial Balance
  2. Trial Balance by Class Code for P&L accounts
  3. Exports the account numbers separate from the account name
  4. A "Monthwise" YTD Net Change in 12 monthly columns.
  5. Provides a class code replacement table
  6. Appends class code before/after the G/L account number
  7. Debits and Credits in one column
  8. Importable IIF